Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sippy Cups

So I generally let the girls take drinks down stairs with them to watch tv. And generally I will let them take a snack down to munch on as well. But I will ask them to bring their plates/sippys/other eating paraphernalia. I will generally ask them to do this when I am doing the dishes. And usually they will. But on occasion I will ask them and Thing 1 will say that she doesn't see any or she is too tired or some other excuse. Now, I will generally remember having seen at least one or 2 sippys downstairs. And they are generally in plain sight. So I will go over and let her know that I know that she can see the sippys. And after I coerce her to bring them up, which will usually involve a threat to turn off the tv or just turning off the tv, she will bring up some of the sippys.

Where this takes me is to tonight. When I left to go to a Relief Society get together, the living room was in a slight bit of disarray. And I knew that I should go through it and clean it up but I figured it could go another day, probably. As of late I have been able to get Audrey and Ellie to do some cleaning up.

In fact I was able to get Ellie to do some clean up earlier today. But Audrey would start cleaning and then stop, and with her big sister for an example, Ellie decided to do the same thing. So I turned off the tv. But that didn't encourage Audrey at all this afternoon. In fact she went right on playing what ever game she had come up with, with Ellie. But they did end up cleaning up a little bit, they put away all the crayons and stacked up the dishes that they had seen.

I came home from the aforementioned meeting and found that both girls were still awake and the room was scary messy. Well I put the girls to bed and then forgot about the front room until it was time to feed the cats and put the dog to bed. And I had to walk through that scary-ness. So I figured why not clean it up now and make the next day not so hard on myself.

Well long story short. I ended up bringing a laundry basket full of stuff from the living room (that is supposed to stay in the girls room), the tote of crayons (regathered), 2 bowls, 3 plates, and 8 sippy cups. Yeah you read that right 8 SIPPY CUPS!

I had been wondering where all the sippys were disappearing to. And for this round they went to the living room. Oye. At least all were found and not any of the sippys that go to the living room are milk filled. Go me, I guess. :)

Well that is my ranting for the evening. One silly thing that I have noticed recently with Audrey, is that she is starting to want to clean things herself. So I will find her wiping off items that have been colored on, or are just dirty. So one of the items I found downstairs was a wash cloth, Ellie has found a love of cleaning as well, but she is like her mother and likes wipes. So she will take the baby wipes downstairs and clean things off with those. So there were like 10 wadded up wipes on the floor that needed to be thrown out as well. It is kind of funny the things that make you smile, or proud of. Even if you have to clean up the mess. :)

1 comment:

egebs said...

It's amazing the stuff you find when cleaning. Unfortunately I have only myself to blame when that happens at my house. Your girls seem really sweet. Hope you have a wonderful day.