Friday, June 15, 2012


It has been a fairly hectic week around here again. Meeting, scouts, work, clean, try to do fun things with the girlies, work, clean, get things ready for the YM/YW Carnival tomorrow, start some of my own projects, take care of the plants, laundry, get the girlies signed up for swimming lessons, exercise, take care of animals, the list goes on and on...

I got a lot of things done too...

All the while trying desperately to keep my head above the water and stay sane... at times I was more successful than others I will admit I had a few rough hours. But I had help from some good friends and family.

Now today. I started out with a good workout at dance at 6 am. I got home and got the girls fed and Stu off to work. I fed the animals and myself. Yes in that order. Unfortunately, I couldn't get myself going, in any sort of fashion, to get what I needed to get done. In fact as I sit here now I should be doing more.

However, I did get my house more cleaned and then I got my Thing 2 down for a nap and when I did that I found that I lost all of my energy. I needed to sleep. So I took a short nap my own self. And then I found I could get going on some of the projects that needed doing.

First on the list. Bread dough, I want to make a bread sculpture for the Auction at the carnival tomorrow. Ok, done... Next, I shall make the fudge I promised... No sugar in the kitchen, it's all right I have some in my food storage, right? Go downstairs to check... What... NO SUGAR!!!! Well I can't do anything with out sugar... and I used the last of my eggs to make the bread dough... can't make the cupcakes that the girls want to make and decorate for the auction... Stu is on his way home... do we want to go bowling... I would love to get out and go but... Too much to do... He meets up with his dad and picks up the dunk tank that he rented for the carnival. He wants to drive his dad home in the Pilot... Sure it drives nicer and such... he comes running in to tell me that my Pilot's rear tire has a huge bolt in it and is completely flat... What!?! I have been driving around that car all over the valley this week... No I didn't notice anything... Well they take off the tire and get it fixed and while they are gone I feed the girls and give them a bath. Stu drops off his dad and picks up the missing ingredients and comes home. We have now made the cupcakes and they are in the oven as I am sitting here...

Stu has gone bowling...

I should be making fudge... I think I will do that after I put the girls down for bed... and then I will drink another Dew... Maybe...

The Blessing that I am talking about... My lack of energy, made me wait until Stu was home with his Father to get my cooking done. If I had tried to go out and get the ingredients earlier in the day I would have probably been in some trouble and had the girls with me. Instead, I taught my Thing 1 a lesson on why I want her to clean up her messes with out my help. And I got some rest in my busy life... Even if I had a little more stress this afternoon than I would have liked.

Sometimes, I need to take a step back out of my life, and see myself for who I am, who my family is, and where we need to be headed. Also if we are not headed the right way, why and how to fix that. Clear my head find my Father in Heaven and listen. He has answers. I know it. Sometimes they just need to be seen.
Good night all!

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