1st pic: Audrey eating spaghetti, about 7 and 1/2 months old.
2nd pic: Audrey drinking juice, same day as spaghetti.
3rd pic: Audrey eating a cookie, two days later.
4th pic: Audrey, Halloween, she is a kitty, Grandpa Howse gave her the costume.
5th pic: Audrey eating Zwieback Toast, sometime in Oct.
Things have been crazy around here. And I just forget to put anything up on here.
Well a synopsis of what the past 6 or so months have been like.
Well in May we decided to look for a house to move into. Having a water heater spray hot water into the room that your baby would be moving into, doesn't really make you want to stay in that apartment. So we started looking into the housing market. Scarey... good grief. After about a month of looking into things. We got a call from my husbands parents, they have a friend who needs to sell his house quick. It needs work but this means we may be able to get a deal on the house.
We go look at the house and within 3 weeks we have made an offer and are about to close on the house...
All of the sudden I am having pains in my stomach... I mean put me out of commission pains. I need to go to the hospital I can't sit up pains. So we drop the babe off at grandma's house. And head into the ER which is only like 2 blocks from grandma's. It takes them 5 or 6 hours we need to bring the babe to the hospital she needs to nurse...
An x-ray and ultra sound later...
I have gall stones and the doctors are saying it is best to have surgery to get the gall bladder out. Yikes!! Should I have the surgery... Hmmmm well if I don't then there is a big possibility that I could have the same thing happen during a subsequent pregnancy. Ok, I will have the surgery.
Well the only time I can schedule the surgery for is one month from then. Ok fine I will do that. But I am still having pain right now. 3 days later I am going back to the Er. My skin is very very yellow. Crap I am jaundiced. this time they take me right in and put me on strong pain meds. Can't nurse the babe for at least 3 days after this. They keep me overnight and do an ERCP scope to get the stone that is plugging up my bile duct. Audrey was sooo mad at me after that surgery. She wanted to eat but I couldn't feed her. In fact mostly what I remember from that night is that she cried every time I held her so mom and dad had to take her home and try to figure out how to feed her from the bottle. At that point she really wasn't liking the bottles.
The doctors talk to me and tell me that I am going to be having the surgery that next tuesday. Ok, well lets get ready for this. Still can't nurse Audrey. But she is taking the bottle very easily now. Tuesday comes and I am in the hospital. I can't see anything I don't know anyone and I am waiting for surgery. I don't remember much until I am waking up and my husband and my mom are there with me trying to get me to see the ducks outside of the window. And they kick me out of the room like an hour later. I can barely stand and they send me home.
Anyways... That next friday we are signing on the house. And we need to get things packed up and ready to be out of the apartment by the end of the month which is only 3 weeks away. And we need to get the house into livable conditions. The paint and the carpet were all original from 1981. so we need to repaint, recarpet, and lay down new linoleum. Well at least we can pay some one else to do the tile and carpet. But we have to get the house ready for all of that.
The lawn is weeds, the house is full of junk...
Ok, lets get to work. First, cleaning the house, get the walls ready to be painted. tear out the carpet, the gross toilets, cut down the weeds, trim the tree. Pack the apartment.
But with a lot of help from all of our family we get the house ready to be moved into. Now we need lots of help to move all of our own junk into the house. In one night... or else we need to pay the moving van lots of extra money.
Wahoo! We have wonderful friends and family that helped us get it all done. Wow...
That was all in June and July...
Now we have the house mostly settled in... we need blinds and railings on the stairs but the front lawn has a sprinkler system installed and we laid grass about a month ago.
The baby has 2 teeth and is learning to get around faster crawling and is trying to walk. She loves to eat mommy and daddy's food. And she can be a handful when she wants to. As in right now.. I think she is hungry. I know I am. Anyways here are some pics of her.