Well it is Christmas time and this is my gingerbread house... so far we have been having fun... I am working at the theatre again. So I have like no time to do anything else. But I am trying to get everything done. Here is a conversation I had with my mom on Sunday night:
Shilo: ok and I need to get some other stuff done too
Shilo: I don't know if I can do it all...
Mom: what time
Shilo: ummmm I dunno
Mom: ok call
Shilo: I need to dip chocolates tomorrow I figured I would try to do that in the morning hopefully before 10
Shilo: and then I would pick you up and we could go up to the candy store
Mom: k
Shilo: and then hopefully be back here in time for me to run to the store and get some cat food, and litter and make some rock candy all before I go to work at 7
Mom: LOL
Shilo: do you think my hopes are too high
Mom: no
Mom: but you will die like my mom
Shilo: lol do you think I am like her at all?
Mom: absolutely
Shilo: lol
Mom: she would have a bigger list
Shilo: I have a bigger list I just don't think it will happen
Mom: thats why she had 12 kids
Shilo: oh to get everything done?
Mom: yes
Shilo: did that work
Shilo: ?
Mom: with the girls
Shilo: maybe I should shoot for that number
Mom: and some of the boys
Mom: LOL
Shilo: jody
Shilo: and price
Mom: price, dan
Shilo: danny
Shilo: yeah
Mom: and once in a while the others
Shilo: yeah
Mom: so they added up to one
Shilo: timmy does a bit too
Mom: oh yeah
Shilo: lol
Shilo: ok 12 it is
Shilo: I don't know if stu could handle that though
Mom: well
Shilo: hehe
Mom: we'll see
Mom: alot of bunkbeds downstairs
Shilo: hehe yeah lots
Shilo: well we will just have to add on to the house then
Mom: some tents for the boys in the back
Shilo: and you know turn the garage into a room too
Mom: 2 rooms
Shilo: so anyways
Yeah so that was my plan.... and like my Grandma's plans everything went wrong and all I got done on Monday was dipping the chocolates, and going to the store. But even going to the store went wrong I left my wallet at home and had to wait for Stu to bring it to me. Ok so in the morning Stu went out and found out that his car would not start. Crap, mom can you come over and jump the car. Crap it still won't start... In the mean time My brother calls and they have been without power, in married student housing with their 2 boys, since midnight. And he can't get a hold of mom. So I get a hold of her. Ok so our plans for the day are shot by now. Definitely can't go to the candy store. Alrighty then lets do it tomorrow. And get the gingerbread made so we can make the houses... But that's another story. As you can see we got that all done.