Yes I think this January has been crazy... no not in the I have a thousand things to do kind of crazy. Though, I do like to do that to myself. But in the we are going to do things that we haven't really done before kind of crazy. Or the Stir Crazy kind.
Two Monday nights ago, Stu decided that he needed to go buy a new car. Which he did... He got a new Audi A6. And he bought it that night, finishing the paperwork at 11... while I was home with the girlies. And yes I thought it was kind of crazy.

And of course we have tried and retried this potty training thing. I even melted down and asked for all sorts of advice on the Facebooks... I got a lot. And I took a lot and added it to my repertoire. And I bought things that I had told myself I would never buy. I bought a book on potty training, a feed and peeing dolly, and a potty watch.
The book on potty training is very good. But I ended up not really using it as what I was doing was showing progress.
The baby doll had gain a lot of interest. But I didn't really use it's features to get the point across. And when I did get around to trying them out, it turned out that they didn't work. Apparently it is a sort of flawed dolly, and only some of them really work well... and I got a doll that didn't. But the girls still love her. And she helped Ellie become a "big" girl.

However, the Potty Watch! A huge success! I didn't have to bug her about going to the potty. It put her in charge! And she went every time it went off. But she was still scared of the #2... And would have accidents with that... and a few times she didn't clean off very well, and she was not cleaning off well after going to the potty.
She started telling me she had to go potty without the watch! Which was awesome progress... but then she was going every 15 mins... I should have gotten the clue. But she wasn't having accidents.
After a playdate last Monday, I noticed that she looked off. She said she had a headache so I asked her to come upstairs so I could look at her. And then I noticed a glazed look in her eyes, and a blood shot eye. She also had a slight fever. So I decided that she needed to go to a dr.
We got her in. And I am glad we did... apparently she had a UTI. Poor kiddo, and I hadn't noticed the signs. She wasn't acting like she was in pain. But apparently she was. We got her on the medicine and things seem to be getting better...

Finally, today she told me she had to go potty, and she had to do the #2! And she did!!!! Success!!! We finally made it over that milestone! I don't expect her to get it right away. But we have made progress and that is all I need to see.
Audrey, has learned how to tie her shoes this last week. :) My friend showed me a
video that has taught my daughter how to confidently tie her shoes! She is way excited, and so am I! And she loves to wear her shoes with laces now.
Today was beautiful! The storm got rid of the icky air and left some amazing snow! |
We have been stuck inside a lot lately. Due to freezing temperatures outside, and a crazy bad inversion. And we have all gone a little crazy. But Sunday we had an awesome snowstorm that cleared out the air and dumped about 4 inches of awesome packing snow. So today after school I sent the girls out back to play with Penny, until I was ready to go out front and play with them. We ended up building a Snow Castle/fort.

The girls are ready to have a snow ball fight... So if anyone is up for the challenge... we are ready :) The girls spent probably an hour or more outside playing. It was awesome! (And they went to bed much more easily tonight than they had been.)
Hopefully we can do more of the same tomorrow after school... and possibly build our snowman :)
Here are some pics of the Hockey game we went to... 2nd row near the goalie! We had a blast :)
And now for some more random pics of the girls going Stir Crazy and learning to tie shoes :)
Yes, we have had some fun :) |