Saturday, October 18, 2008

The next step...

So my dad put up the big kid bed tonight for my little Audrey...

And we are sleeping our first night in a bed without bars.... :D A regular twin size bed. It is a big step for my little girl. And it took a bit of crying and saying bye bye to the old bed. And finally daddy to come lay down with her to get her to calm down and finally fall asleep. She had her old friends to sleep with and her regular baby blankets to sleep with... Her regular bed time music is playing. But as for tonight she still thinks she needs to be picked up off the bed to get down and "OUT!".

We shall see how the night goes... some times are better than others for the changing of things. But as for now it seems to be going fairly smooth-ish.

She was pretty hyper for a bit there. And didn't really understand what was going on. Until we took the old bed apart. Then she started to get a little nervous.

Here's to hoping that she sleeps well and likes her new bed. :D

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