Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Midnight...

Well for the most part the night went well...

At about 4 or 5 in the morning... (I didn't check the time. I was just really tired.) I heard a loud thud and then screaming. So I woke up Stu and went in to get Audrey. She was sitting on the floor just crying.

Unfortunately we had forgotten to put anything on the floor to soften a landing. But she calmed down fairly quickly after daddy found the binky. Daddy also placed some pillows on the ground in case she tried to fall off again. I stayed with her until she was basically asleep and then went back to bed my own self. She talked a little bit after I left but eventually went back to sleep.

When I went in to see her after she had been talking a little bit this morning, she got herself off the bed and seemed pretty okay with it all.

Though we just tried to get her to take a nap on the bed and she just sat there playing with her dolls until she felt it was time to be done. And I was just called in there because of her knocking on the door and asking to be let "Out".

So we shall have to figure out this whole napping thing all over again. But so far she doesn't hate the bed she just wants to use the tools to take it apart now.

1 comment:

Hess Clan said...

Yep that is a big step. Jaxon loved transitioning to his toddler bed, but that had safety bars, and he still fell off. They move so much when they are little. I think Jaxon only fell out like 3 times before he stopped. So, I am sure she will get the hang of it soon.