Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Well the other night, I had a weird dream... I think that right now most of my dreams are very strange, and that this is because I am pregnant. But anyways....

In my dream all I can remember is that I was with another girl friend... and the phone rang, no one was talking on the other end. And we tried to get them to talk whoever it was. But all we could hear from them was some very heavy breathing. Well this creeped us out, so we turned of the cell... But I could still hear the breathing... we were way creeped out. I was so creeped out that I woke up from sleep. When I woke up I could still hear the breathing... ok way creepy right. Well I turned over and realized that it was my husband. :D

He was laying on his back and he doesn't breath very well when he sleeps on his back. At least I can say that I didn't notice if his eyes were open. He does tend to sleep with them open a little. But I didn't look. Anyways I had a nice chuckle about that. But for the life of me I couldn't get back to sleep for a while, when listening to him breathe like that....

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