Thursday, April 10, 2008


Okay so nothing was broken when we re-x-rayed my wrist. Yay! So just a sprain. And let me tell you if this is how much a sprain hurts, I don't want to know what a break feels like.

I went to the dentist yesterday, no cavities! But I do need to have the wisdom teeth removed. Sooner rather than later. But we'll see when that actually happens.

Started a new show at the theatre... and I am single cast wahoo. I hope Audrey doesn't get too mad at me.

Took the babe for a walk this afternoon. And met a boy who seemed to be able to understand what my babe was sayin to him. He told me he thought she was talking to him. And about half way through our time at the park. She turned to him and chewed him out for something, and he just stood there while she glared at him and chattered very seriously at him. She turned around and started walking away and he joined her a little bit behind her and to her side. They then continued to play. I think he was about 5ish. But he would reply to her in the same language that she was talking to him. Odd....

Sorry if this is a little jumbled. I guess I just have a lot on my mind. Now I need to try and clean a bit.

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