Monday, January 23, 2012

well... apparently...

apparently I just needed to freak out, get all that freaking out out of my system... and onto... "paper".

Because, now I have just had 4 nights in a row where my girls ate most if not all of their dinner... with little or no freak outs. And Audrey has tried 1 or 2 new foods/ foods that looked different than the last time she ate them.

And both girls have gladly added brushing AND flossing to their nightly routine. So much so that they want to brush AND floss as many times as I will let them in the day. I have told them that they can only floss before going to bed. But that they can brush their teeth whenever they feel like it, basically...

No news on the pting of Thing 2. But we are talking about it. And discussing how things change and people grow and so on and so forth. To try and get both girlies in to being okay with growing up and changes and different foods. Also we have come up with a few rewards for the girls when they respond well to changes.

As a side note I have noticed that Thing 1 gets much more irritable when she hasn't eaten properly... perhaps she might have a bit of sugar issues like her mommy (hypoglycemic). I will keep an eye on that and try to make sure that she eats her meals on time and such.

Anyways I thought I would update the situation and let those who read know that things really are good here. And the situations are improving. And maybe I just needed to get out my frustration on something that won't get hurt... like my keyboard/computer/blog...

Have a great night!

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