I suppose I should update this....
I am 30 weeks along now... just started into the 2 week appointments with the doctor.
Everything has been going well with the pregnancy. I haven't been really sick at all *knock on wood*. I have just been told by the doctor that I have Gestational Diabetes. I have yet to see the dietitian but I will be speaking with them shortly. And they are going to put me on some drugs to help control my sugar levels. But so far I have been right on track with my weight gain. I have only gained 17 lbs.
The nurse practioner... who I saw today.... said that it looked like I had a "little bit of" diabetes... that made me laugh. How does one only have a "little bit"? She said also that the babies head felt like it was down in the correct position. 2 weeks ago the baby was laying sideways in my tummy. I wouldn't be surprized if she moved a couple more times before she is through with being inside me.
Anyways... I think I am just rambling right now. So...... talk to y'all laters...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Well the other night, I had a weird dream... I think that right now most of my dreams are very strange, and that this is because I am pregnant. But anyways....
In my dream all I can remember is that I was with another girl friend... and the phone rang, no one was talking on the other end. And we tried to get them to talk whoever it was. But all we could hear from them was some very heavy breathing. Well this creeped us out, so we turned of the cell... But I could still hear the breathing... we were way creeped out. I was so creeped out that I woke up from sleep. When I woke up I could still hear the breathing... ok way creepy right. Well I turned over and realized that it was my husband. :D
He was laying on his back and he doesn't breath very well when he sleeps on his back. At least I can say that I didn't notice if his eyes were open. He does tend to sleep with them open a little. But I didn't look. Anyways I had a nice chuckle about that. But for the life of me I couldn't get back to sleep for a while, when listening to him breathe like that....
In my dream all I can remember is that I was with another girl friend... and the phone rang, no one was talking on the other end. And we tried to get them to talk whoever it was. But all we could hear from them was some very heavy breathing. Well this creeped us out, so we turned of the cell... But I could still hear the breathing... we were way creeped out. I was so creeped out that I woke up from sleep. When I woke up I could still hear the breathing... ok way creepy right. Well I turned over and realized that it was my husband. :D
He was laying on his back and he doesn't breath very well when he sleeps on his back. At least I can say that I didn't notice if his eyes were open. He does tend to sleep with them open a little. But I didn't look. Anyways I had a nice chuckle about that. But for the life of me I couldn't get back to sleep for a while, when listening to him breathe like that....
The Baby
Well we had the ultrasound, and they said that it was a very active little child. I know because whenever they put anything on my belly, the baby then proceeds to kick it and move around a lot. But he was able to determine that my little baby will be a girl! I am very excited about that. She is very active. Though at times I think she is hitting places that I can't feel. And I go for a time without feeling her. But that may just be that I am not paying attention. But anyways... Everything seems to be going well with that.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Movie Dreams
Ok, so you already know that I have weird dreams. So here we go...
First you outta know that some dreams that I have are in such vivid detail that I can't think of any other way to describe them but that they are similar to movies. In the fact that the dream seems very fluid, it has a story line you can follow, and it doesn't jump around in the time line. And it doesn't jump me from place to place. So when I have these dreams I can wake up and remember most everything that happens in them. Also in these movie dreams everything is in color.
Another note about these dreams is that when I wake up in the middle of them I can usually go back to sleep and pick up the dreams right where they left off. Without any change in what was going on. And in them I can choose to follow up on what I saw. And I really did want to follow up on this dream but I just can't seem to go back to sleep today.
Alright we start out in the desert. Lots of sand and fenced off areas. I am with alot of friends and some family. Standing outside of a 2 story building. I look off to the near distance. Where I see a mountain and what appears to be a smokestack. There aren't many people around me at the time that I see things start to happen. Just my husband (I think).
As I am looking at the mountain I see what looks like an explosion, but it is a different sort of explosion. I don't see much smoke but then it did happen behind the mountain. So I don't think to much about the explosion. But shortly after this explosion I see 5 helecopters lift off from around me. Four of the helecopters take off just fine. The fifth one however tries to take with it a semi truck. This helecopter is is just a short distance from us. As it tries to lift the semi I see it drop the truck. And we feel the ground shake from the landing of the truck. Then the chopper tries to fly off again. But this time it tries to take a billboard sign. At that I turned and walked inside. A little confused but there is nothing I can do about what I saw.
The building is a museum of some sort. Though what it had in it I don't recall. As I am looking out one of the windows, towards the desert I hear sounds coming from downstairs and around me. I look around me in the room. I can see footprints on the carpet but no people. When a person appears in front of me.
I tell her that I know who she is. And I saw them land. She then takes out an note pad. And says that she has some questions to ask me. As she does this I can now see all the other personel that was there. I can see past their armor. Kind of like I saw past some sort of veil that they had put to use. And all you needed to do was realize what was happening. They all appear to be wearing orangeish brown uniforms, with copper belts that go over their shoulders as well as around their waists. Also the copper holsters their weapons.
She asks me what I saw. I tell her exactly what I saw and how I came to the conclusion that they were an invading army. Besides the fact that I could see through their armor and now could see the weapons that they were all holding. As she is talking to me the army had subdued everyone around me and were uncloaked to everyone so they could understand what was going on, to the degree that they could. In her interveiw of me she decides that I am someone that is of some importance around here. They were trying to figure out who were the leaders of this people. And were going to take us someplace else.
Everyone else who were not considered a threat were lined up. I saw several friends lined up as well as my brother (or husband I am not quite sure). I didn't like the fact that they lined them up like cattle. But they didn't tell me what was going to happen to them. Before I left, the woman who questioned me turned on her invisibility armor and she chose for the armor to include me in the invisibility. And I was forced to go with them. Though I wasn't terribly scared about this. She walked me passed the line of people and none of them saw me leave. But I could clearly see all of the people around me including the army personel who had turned their cloaks on as well. They had chosen just a few, of the many people who were there, as the ones they thought were the leaders.
I had just a few thoughts about what was going to happen to the people who I had seen in the line. I was worried. I thought that maybe they would become pow's or they may just be shot and killed.
Then I woke up.
First you outta know that some dreams that I have are in such vivid detail that I can't think of any other way to describe them but that they are similar to movies. In the fact that the dream seems very fluid, it has a story line you can follow, and it doesn't jump around in the time line. And it doesn't jump me from place to place. So when I have these dreams I can wake up and remember most everything that happens in them. Also in these movie dreams everything is in color.
Another note about these dreams is that when I wake up in the middle of them I can usually go back to sleep and pick up the dreams right where they left off. Without any change in what was going on. And in them I can choose to follow up on what I saw. And I really did want to follow up on this dream but I just can't seem to go back to sleep today.
Alright we start out in the desert. Lots of sand and fenced off areas. I am with alot of friends and some family. Standing outside of a 2 story building. I look off to the near distance. Where I see a mountain and what appears to be a smokestack. There aren't many people around me at the time that I see things start to happen. Just my husband (I think).
As I am looking at the mountain I see what looks like an explosion, but it is a different sort of explosion. I don't see much smoke but then it did happen behind the mountain. So I don't think to much about the explosion. But shortly after this explosion I see 5 helecopters lift off from around me. Four of the helecopters take off just fine. The fifth one however tries to take with it a semi truck. This helecopter is is just a short distance from us. As it tries to lift the semi I see it drop the truck. And we feel the ground shake from the landing of the truck. Then the chopper tries to fly off again. But this time it tries to take a billboard sign. At that I turned and walked inside. A little confused but there is nothing I can do about what I saw.
The building is a museum of some sort. Though what it had in it I don't recall. As I am looking out one of the windows, towards the desert I hear sounds coming from downstairs and around me. I look around me in the room. I can see footprints on the carpet but no people. When a person appears in front of me.
I tell her that I know who she is. And I saw them land. She then takes out an note pad. And says that she has some questions to ask me. As she does this I can now see all the other personel that was there. I can see past their armor. Kind of like I saw past some sort of veil that they had put to use. And all you needed to do was realize what was happening. They all appear to be wearing orangeish brown uniforms, with copper belts that go over their shoulders as well as around their waists. Also the copper holsters their weapons.
She asks me what I saw. I tell her exactly what I saw and how I came to the conclusion that they were an invading army. Besides the fact that I could see through their armor and now could see the weapons that they were all holding. As she is talking to me the army had subdued everyone around me and were uncloaked to everyone so they could understand what was going on, to the degree that they could. In her interveiw of me she decides that I am someone that is of some importance around here. They were trying to figure out who were the leaders of this people. And were going to take us someplace else.
Everyone else who were not considered a threat were lined up. I saw several friends lined up as well as my brother (or husband I am not quite sure). I didn't like the fact that they lined them up like cattle. But they didn't tell me what was going to happen to them. Before I left, the woman who questioned me turned on her invisibility armor and she chose for the armor to include me in the invisibility. And I was forced to go with them. Though I wasn't terribly scared about this. She walked me passed the line of people and none of them saw me leave. But I could clearly see all of the people around me including the army personel who had turned their cloaks on as well. They had chosen just a few, of the many people who were there, as the ones they thought were the leaders.
I had just a few thoughts about what was going to happen to the people who I had seen in the line. I was worried. I thought that maybe they would become pow's or they may just be shot and killed.
Then I woke up.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Ok Ok
I guess I need to update this page a little more often or so I have been told.....
But anyways... lots has happened since I last updated here. I guess you knew that Stu graduated... And got a job... We moved out.... I thought about quitting at the theatre... Well I ended up going back to the theatre for a little bit. I am not working it like normal I am only doing 1 show a week unless 1 of my 2 doubles needs the night off... and then I cover for them. But it seems that after this show is up I may end up stopping working there for at least a few months.
Cause you see, I am pregnant! Yes it is true after almost a year of trying I and my cute hubby are going to be parents! We found out the day after Father's Day. And we are both very excited. (Well I may be more than he is right now, he is a little worried about me and the baby being healthy through the whole thing. So he is a little stressed about that.)
Anyways that is what I am going through right now.
I do have the morning sickness, but luckily (knock on wood) so far I haven't thrown up yet. But the heat this summer is really the only thing that is really bothering me...
Well I will try to keep this more updated as the weeks go by.
But anyways... lots has happened since I last updated here. I guess you knew that Stu graduated... And got a job... We moved out.... I thought about quitting at the theatre... Well I ended up going back to the theatre for a little bit. I am not working it like normal I am only doing 1 show a week unless 1 of my 2 doubles needs the night off... and then I cover for them. But it seems that after this show is up I may end up stopping working there for at least a few months.
Cause you see, I am pregnant! Yes it is true after almost a year of trying I and my cute hubby are going to be parents! We found out the day after Father's Day. And we are both very excited. (Well I may be more than he is right now, he is a little worried about me and the baby being healthy through the whole thing. So he is a little stressed about that.)
Anyways that is what I am going through right now.
I do have the morning sickness, but luckily (knock on wood) so far I haven't thrown up yet. But the heat this summer is really the only thing that is really bothering me...
Well I will try to keep this more updated as the weeks go by.
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Well my cutie did it!
He graduated yesterday! He is now completly done with school. And we are on to a new part of life! I hope we are up for it!
Some of his friends who graduated with him are seen here. His mom also graduated yesterday! Congrats to her from me. I am pretty impressed she graduated with the only 4.0 in her college( as in the Paralegal dept. so to speak).
All in all it was a pretty big day yesterday!
Congratulations to my Sweetheart!
I love you hun!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Well I guess it has been a while since I posted on here... But the only ppl who seem to read this already know what is going on in my life. Anyways, for those of you who don't here is a rough sketch of what my life has been for the past 3 months or so.
Well at my day job, we have had lots of rain as well as slow buisness because they closed the truck stop across the street for rebuilding.
At my night job, the theatre, we started the fun show Aida. I ended up being sinlge cast for this show. And man I think that was a mistake. Don't get me wrong I loved the show, the people, and other things. I just got very physically tired.
Ok during tech week I found out that a good friend from High School died. That threw me for a loop. Then the second day of the run a good friend in the crew got caught in the stage. He survived and is doing very well now. He is going back to work and everything. But that was scarey. And I still don't know what to really say about that event.
My aunt had her baby, the next week or so, and we then buried that sweet child the next monday.
Close to a month later on the 31st of March, my husband's sister had a beautiful baby girl. She was 8lbs and 18 inches long. Her name is Breanne Elizabeth Kilger. I got to hold her the next sunday.
Then we started adding matinees on fridays, mondays and thursdays. I ended up working 11 shows in the last week of the show. The last show was on Saturday. And I told my boss and everyone else there that I would not be coming back to work any more shows there. At least for a while. And I said my goodbyes to everyone. As well as assuring everyone there that I would come visit. They all said that they would miss me. And I will miss that part of my life too.
Last thursday my Grandma suffered a massive stroke and heartattack. She went into a coma then. I saw her the next day at the hospital. She gradually got worse. Until on monday, when I went down to see her, my Grandpa, and my mom. I was out playing with my 3 little cousins when my mom came out to tell me that she was gone. The nurse said she wasn't quite gone yet so I said goodbye to her and told my mom that I would get my dad and bring him down. As I was about to leave the room she left us.
Now my Grandma is out of pain, and she is safe from those demons that haunted her. She is with her Grandma, Grandpa and her Father.
Well at my day job, we have had lots of rain as well as slow buisness because they closed the truck stop across the street for rebuilding.
At my night job, the theatre, we started the fun show Aida. I ended up being sinlge cast for this show. And man I think that was a mistake. Don't get me wrong I loved the show, the people, and other things. I just got very physically tired.
Ok during tech week I found out that a good friend from High School died. That threw me for a loop. Then the second day of the run a good friend in the crew got caught in the stage. He survived and is doing very well now. He is going back to work and everything. But that was scarey. And I still don't know what to really say about that event.
My aunt had her baby, the next week or so, and we then buried that sweet child the next monday.
Close to a month later on the 31st of March, my husband's sister had a beautiful baby girl. She was 8lbs and 18 inches long. Her name is Breanne Elizabeth Kilger. I got to hold her the next sunday.
Then we started adding matinees on fridays, mondays and thursdays. I ended up working 11 shows in the last week of the show. The last show was on Saturday. And I told my boss and everyone else there that I would not be coming back to work any more shows there. At least for a while. And I said my goodbyes to everyone. As well as assuring everyone there that I would come visit. They all said that they would miss me. And I will miss that part of my life too.
Last thursday my Grandma suffered a massive stroke and heartattack. She went into a coma then. I saw her the next day at the hospital. She gradually got worse. Until on monday, when I went down to see her, my Grandpa, and my mom. I was out playing with my 3 little cousins when my mom came out to tell me that she was gone. The nurse said she wasn't quite gone yet so I said goodbye to her and told my mom that I would get my dad and bring him down. As I was about to leave the room she left us.
Now my Grandma is out of pain, and she is safe from those demons that haunted her. She is with her Grandma, Grandpa and her Father.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
"Have you been half asleep? Have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name. Are these the sweet sounds that call the young sailors? I think they're one and the same. I've heard it too many times to ignore it, there's something that I'm supposed to be..."
These words keep repeating in my head... They are to a song that I have known almost my entire life. Kenny Loggins, The Rainbow Connection. I don't know why this song touches such a chord with me. Is there something that I'm supposed to be?
These words keep repeating in my head... They are to a song that I have known almost my entire life. Kenny Loggins, The Rainbow Connection. I don't know why this song touches such a chord with me. Is there something that I'm supposed to be?
Monday, January 09, 2006
I smell you
It was an interesting day today. I called in sick to work, for the first time in just about 6 months, I believe. Finished up a series of books, The Alvin Maker series by Orson Scott Card. Called my mom and we drove down south. We visited a friend of hers and then went to visit my Grandpa and Grandma. My Gandma is ill and very much likes us to visit.
Anyways, while down there we stayed longer than we had meant to and my husband ended up calling me twice before I headed home. But before I headed home I needed to eat something and so did my mom.
My Grandpa is an amazing cook. He can throw just about anything into a pot and make it not only edible but he makes it delicious. And he didn't want us to go out and buy some dinner when he had food in the kitchen. So he threw some food together for us. It was a wonderful soup that he put together with homemade noodles, turkey and gravy.
I love my Grandpa and all that he does for his large family.
It is an interesting note that even though lots have tried to learn from my Grandpa how to cook, I don't believe anyone in the family can match his cullinary skills. But some have come close.
Anyways about the title. I went out to give the dogs their medicine and my brother in law walked by and said that he could smell me tonight... Odd I thought. But then he said that I smelled like soup.
Well that made my night. I am proud to smell like soup that my Grandpa made! What a great day! Even if there were some worrisome times during the day!
Anyways, while down there we stayed longer than we had meant to and my husband ended up calling me twice before I headed home. But before I headed home I needed to eat something and so did my mom.
My Grandpa is an amazing cook. He can throw just about anything into a pot and make it not only edible but he makes it delicious. And he didn't want us to go out and buy some dinner when he had food in the kitchen. So he threw some food together for us. It was a wonderful soup that he put together with homemade noodles, turkey and gravy.
I love my Grandpa and all that he does for his large family.
It is an interesting note that even though lots have tried to learn from my Grandpa how to cook, I don't believe anyone in the family can match his cullinary skills. But some have come close.
Anyways about the title. I went out to give the dogs their medicine and my brother in law walked by and said that he could smell me tonight... Odd I thought. But then he said that I smelled like soup.
Well that made my night. I am proud to smell like soup that my Grandpa made! What a great day! Even if there were some worrisome times during the day!
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