So yesterday was our 7 year anniversary. It seems unreal to me that it has been 7 years already. While the day we got married also seems so long ago. But sooo much has happened in that 7 years that has brought us closer and closer together. There have been things that may have sent other people running away. But things are so good between the two of us now because of or in spite of those hard times.
A few things that have happened to us in the last 7 years.
Stu was diagnosed with UC and PSC. UC is a problem that he has with his large intestine. And he fought with those problems for a good 2-ish years. And then 4 years ago he had his large intestine removed. It was a tough time, and I was scared about that surgery and how everything would turn out. Through all that time Stu continued to go to school. He got off a bunch of drugs that he had been on to help with the UC and then Graduated.
He got a great job, we moved into our own place, and then I got pregnant with our 1st little angel. Shortly after we had her we bought a house and got settled in there. We have been in the house now for almost 2 years. We felt that the timing was good and decided to try for another little babe.
Now, 6 and 1/2 years ago Stu was told that in 10-15 years from then he would need a Liver transplant. We both knew that was a big deal. But, I didn't realize how big of a deal it would come to be.
We found out I was pregnant in November of last year. In December we were told by Stu's GI doc that he needed to get in contact with the Liver Transplant team. Who then did quite a few tests and went over a lot of information with us, and then decided that Stu was a good candidate for a transplant.
About 3 weeks ago Stu was placed on the transplant waiting list for a new liver. When you are put on the transplant list, you and your spouse and other support people need to go to a class to learn what is going to happen. They let you know what the symptoms of a failing liver are, and so on. But, they don't really tell you how to handle these situations. As well as some other things.
Stu doesn't seem all that sick to me. But maybe it is just that I am around him all the time. Or maybe I just try not to think of him as sick. Or something like that. But at about the same time he was put on the list I started to not sleep well at night, and I get these headaches that just linger and linger. I worry about the baby. I worry about Stu.
We went to a support group for transplants that the team has set up. Pre and Post transplant people and there family are welcome. Stu and I were by far the youngest couple there. It was nice to know that these people will be there to talk to about things as they come up. One other spouse came. Her husband has PSC as well, and she offered to be there for me to talk to if I ever needed it. It really helped to know that there are places to go to talk about this stuff. She also offered some advice on were to go to get some good info on PSC. Apparently a lot of the sites on the internet about it are out of date.
Anyway, going to this meeting made me think about it more again. I hope it ends out being a good thing and not just another place I go that makes me have anxiety about all of this again.
Sorry for the ramblings it is late and I should go. Good night.