Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just a little story that happened to me today

To preface this, I want to remember this lesson I learned from my daughter. Yesterday I went out with my mom, my girls, and my nephew. We went to a pediatric dentist visit for my nephew. I went to check out the dentist because this is were my dentist suggested I take my daughter, for her own checkups. I really like the place, but that is beside the point of my story. They had a little machine that gave out little toys for tokens or quarters. And Audrey just had to have some of those toys. So we gave in and bought a few. Amongst these toys were a miniature dinosaur and a yellow squishy wiggly guy. Before we even made it out of the parking lot Audrey was quite upset that she may have lost this dinosaur. And we were going to have to turn the car inside out in order to find it. Lucky for me, it was still just in her lap under a fold of clothing.

Cut to this afternoon.

Audrey comes to me, she is in tears and can barely tell me what is wrong. Her squishy wiggly guy has lost a leg. And there is no consoling her. He must be fixed! I try to explain to her that it is okay. She has plenty of other toys that she can play with. She won't even remember him. (Okay I know that isn't true... she remembers even the one little pink puppy that she lost at the grocery store months ago. But a mom can hope that she won't remember, right)

She asks if we can tape his leg back to him. I say no that won't work. Can we glue him. No I don't think that will work either. Will tape and glue work. No, hun. Well daddy can fix him, right? No,hun I don't think daddy will be able to fix him.

Then, Jesus can fix him.

How do I tell an almost 4 year old that it isn't that easy. When she really believes that it is. I try to explain to her that if Jesus fixes him we won't be able to play with him any more. But that doesn't sit well with her. No he will come back to me and we can play. I say yes Jesus can fix him. And we talk a little more about this and finally I just let her go and say I will have daddy take a look at him when he gets home.

She leaves contented. But I am left with a lot of different things going through my head. And after a little while of thinking about this conversation with my child. And having several different reactions to it. I had a feeling of calm pass through me and a thought.

Yes he was just one 25 cent toy among the multitude of toys my children have. But he was one that my daughter cares about, and to her it didn't matter that he was only worth 25 cents. And Jesus cares about everyone no matter how much "worth" they have.

And you know what my daughter had the faith, right then, that he could fix this and he would. And yes I believe that he would probably have fixed that toy right then, because my daughter knew that he would. This was a beautiful testimony that my daughter shared with me, and I never want her to lose it. Why would I ever want to take that away from her?

I am so glad that I can learn these things from my girls.

Needless to say, I am really going to try and fix that 25 cent toy now.


gilian said...

This is why I love my granddaughters so much--their simple, honest goodness. So glad you shared this story.

egebs said...

How sweet. It is amazing to me the testimonies that little kids have. It goes to show how much you have taught her.