Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stu's liver... continued from forever ago...

I hope I can get this right... since it has now been almost a year and a half from this time.

My Mom came home. We told her what was going on, she hugged us and agreed to watching the kids for us. And we drove to the hospital. We don't live far from the hospital, just about 2 miles maybe. But Stu's parents were there waiting for us in the ER waiting area. Because that is where you go to check in after regular office hours. Stu checked in and we were ushered upstairs to the 10th floor where Stu would wait and get ready for everything.

While we were driving there Stu and I discussed things and had decided that we were probably a backup recipient and that someone else might get the liver and we would probably be sent home. As this is what we were told to expect from everyone in the liver support group. So we went in feeling like things weren't probably going to happen.

When we got there we met a really nice nurse who took us to our room. I don't remember her name, but I think I would remember her face. As we did see her a few more times after that. She kept us up to date and was very friendly. We asked her what number we were, and she told us that we were the one and only waiting for this liver. She also let us know where the potential liver was coming from. Which I don't believe she is supposed to let us know.

But anyway, she was very open about what hospital the donor was at. But that was all, she didn't know anything else, which is perfectly good. And she would be being prepping us as if things were going to happen. They would need to run a few tests on him to make sure that he was healthy enough to receive it. And we would have to wait for the proper tests to be run on the liver to make sure that it was healthy enough to be received.

We got to the hospital at somewhere near 9:30, and into our room by about 10 pm. We contacted all the family we could think of to tell them what was going on. And because Stu was at the theatre when he got the call, I was trying to keep everyone there updated as to what was going on as well. We waited in the little room for a few hours. Stu's Aunt and Uncle came over to help us wait, both of his brothers came over as well. Stu's dad, a family friend, and Stu's Uncle gave Stu a blessing. At around 11 or so the nurse came in to tell us that the liver was a match and all was looking more like he was going to be having surgery in a few hours.

We talked to one of the doctor's on call about what was going to be happening in the surgery. What to expect and so on and then Stu had to sign some papers. And they started the preparations to get him going.

Between Midnight and 1 am they wheeled Stu to the elevator. We walked along until they brought us to the surgical waiting room. Where I said my final goodbye to my sweetheart. It was nearly 1am when they pushed his bed away from me down the hall to the surgical room.

The waiting room was empty when we got there. And my brother in laws had gone home. But Stu's Mom and Dad stayed with me through the night. They tried to get some sleep on those uncomfortable chairs. I had vowed not to sleep.

I had a book with me that I was reading and a mountain dew by my side. I was waiting for a phone call. I remember getting a phone call half way through each previous surgery. That needed to happen. I had also asked the nurse if they would let me know when they actually started the surgery. He said they would. And so I waited. And waited. And read.

Part of the way through the night another couple of men came and sat around the corner from us. Their, wife and mom, I believe was in surgery and they were quite worried. But I didn't talk to them. I just overheard, as I am sure they over heard much of what we said. My Mother in law would wake up and chat with me every once in a while. But mostly we were just a bunch of nervous people. See, even when they take them into the operating room they can change their minds and still send them home. So I wasn't still for sure that he was going to have the surgery yet.

The sun came up. I still hadn't heard anything. And by now was a mess... I had finished my book after a few hours. And was at this point trying not to pace... And my sweet mother in law decided we were done waiting for a call. And she decided to call them on their little white phone. And we found out that yes he had been in surgery for a few hours now and that they were sorry but thought that we needed our sleep and didn't want to disturb us.

I could have screamed... what sleep!? Do they really think I could sleep at a time like this!!!

But anyways... my Mom came and brought my sweet 2 month old Ellie to me to nurse a bit. I talked to a few more people to let them know what was going on. And few hours later the doctor came out to talk to us.

Dr. Alonzo. She is a beautiful woman, who was very compassionate. Sat down and talked to us. First to me and then to Stu's Mom and Grandma. She answered a few questions and told us how the surgery went. Things progressed very well... for what should have been an at least 6 hour surgery, Stu's only lasted for 5 total hours. Because he is so young and in such relatively great health things went smoothly. And we should be directed to him in a little while. He was in recovery but we wouldn't be able to see him until he was in the STICU (Shock Trauma ICU). And they would get us when we could see him, finally.

It was Sunday morning. My world had been flipped upside down. And it all felt soo surreal. I had many more phone calls to people we knew and that would want to know. There were several texts sent out and received. Stu made it through the surgery. And then we waited to be told where he was and how we could go see him.

This is were I will stop for now.

1 comment:

gilian said...

Perhaps the reason I have tears streaming down my face is because it's the middle of the night and I have a lousy cold.

More likely it's remembering these events and emotions and feeling deep gratitude to so many people involved.

Thank you for posting this and sharing your experience of what was such a difficult time. I can't imagine going through it all without you by his side, loving him through it all. We are all so blessed to have you in our family. xo