Friday, January 28, 2011

My Things...

I realize I haven't done much talking about my girls here for a while now. So here is an update.

Thing 1... Audrey.

Audrey will be 4 in a few weeks. She is beautiful, smart, can be a handful, and likes to tell jokes. (not that she understands jokes, and sometimes just says crazy nonsensical stuff) She went to a preschool that my friend had decided to do for me and another friend. She learned how to write her name and figure out how to spell some small words like cat, dog, dan, dad, and some other ones like that. She is also trying to spell other words. She asks me how to spell them and I tell her to sound it out. She does! It is fun to see how much she is growing and learning all the time.

At other times she drives me crazy by doing exactly what her younger sister does. Mostly she does it just to get the same attention that Ellie gets. So I need to work on giving her as much attention and such for the things she does that are age appropriate I suppose. But, we have been talking to her about being a big girl versus being a baby. She wants to be the big girl and not treated like a baby. So I have to remind her about this fairly often.

Audrey's latest obsession is My Little Pony's. She loves them and loves to tell me how many more she wants. But hey at least she is done with her obsession over pretending to be a frog (The Princess and the Frog got her on that one). And for the most part she is done pretending to be a dog. Pound puppies the cartoon, there is a new version out for kids now, same with My Little Pony's. I found a channel that has these show and more... I was soooo excited to have found them! It takes me back to when I was little and loved these same shows! *They also play Fraggle Rock and Strawberry Shortcake!

However, she absolutely loves her sister. She loves that she now has someone to play with. Even though they do fight fairly frequently. She hates it when I separate them, such as when they fight too much. I am sooo thankful that they love each other so much. It makes me happy to see them that way.

Audrey just recently started primary. She is now a Sunbeam. And with her 3rd week in primary she gave her first talk. Well I suppose I gave her first talk for the most part. But by the end she finally did actually say a few words into the microphone. She loves primary, even though she didn't want to give up nursery.

Thing 2... Eleanor

She is almost 19 months now. She just started nursery. She loves it. And had no problems with me leaving her there. It did help, I think, that the nursery leaders let her join in when I was giving lessons in Relief Society. But I think she likes having the freedom to just play with other kids and not having me there to try and keep her quiet and in one place. (i.e. when I had to take her to class with me... soooo glad I don't have to take her to class with me anymore)

She is a very independent, (for the most part), kid. She is also very caring and kind. She likes to try and help others. She loves to play mommy and take care of her baby dolls. She will try to tuck daddy into bed. And will tell you how to do things. (She does a lot of talking but mostly you get what she means by reading her hand gestures) She will try to dress you.

Ellie also loves accessories. She likes to know that she is wearing something cute. And has a fairly developed sense of style for a 19 month old. She has her favorite things to wear of course. She will wear headbands and bows and such with out any fight. And she longs to have long hair like her sister. Unfortunately for her she got my hair, as in she doesn't have much right now, but it is starting to fill in, we can almost put some little clips in it now.

It is amazing, wonderful, and so much more for me to watch these 2 little girls of mine grow. Whenever I put new clothes on them it makes me sooo happy, but then a little sad, to see how much more grown up these clothes make them look. They are both such big, beautiful girls. And I love them sooo much even if they drive me a little crazy. I just have to stop and remember how much I do REALLY love them.

Thanks for letting me have this mommy moment. :)

1 comment:

gilian said...

They are both amazing darling girls. I, for one, will miss playing frogs and dogs.