Things sure have changed around here... for one thing I have a 4 month old little girl. :D
Little baby Eleanor Moleta Wilde was born July 3rd a little bit after noon. She came about 2 and 1/2 weeks early. She weighed 5 lbs 14 oz. No complications. Just a beautiful baby girl.
Audrey loves being a big sister and loves to help out with her. Though she was a bit jealous about the baby being able to sleep in Mommy's room.
Just before Ellie was born, Audrey decided that she wanted to use the potty. And we started trying to potty train... and that lasted for about 3 days. Then I had Ellie and Audrey decided again to use the potty. And that time it lasted for a week or so I think. Daddy went into the hospital a week after we brought Ellie home and Audrey told me that she missed me and wanted me back. And she then decided that telling mommy she needed to use the potty was a good way to get attention. Well she got it and then promptly decided that the potty chair was "scarey".
So we have begun the potty training battles.
2nd new thing happening at this house:
On Sept 5th, Stu was working at the theatre, I was home with the girls. My parents had come over with my 2 nephews whom they were going to be watching for the weekend. So we decided that it would be a good idea to let the kids play together. Audrey loves her cousins. My mom needed to get some groceries, so she left me and my father with all the kids. I received a phone call from Stu, that went something like this:
Me; "Hey, what's up?" Stu; "I just got a call from transplant, they may have a liver for me." Me; "What...." Stu; "They may have a liver for me." Me; "what, but I thought you weren't transplant-able" Stu; "Me too, I asked them and they said my score was 17. And that I need to get to the hospital. I am coming home to get you, we need to find someone to watch the girls." Me; " It's ok my parents are already over here, they can watch the girls, Dad can you watch the girls? Stu is coming home we need to get to the hospital they may have a liver for him."
And the call went on a little bit more... But I can tell you that when he told me that they have a liver for him I just about threw up right then. You see we were told that it would be probably another 2 years before he would be sick enough to really be considered for a liver. But that it could happen any time so no one really knew how long he would wait. I took a few long drinks of water and that seemed to calm me down enough to think about what really needed to be done in preparation for us to leave.
Stu came home and we made some final plans with my dad and he went upstairs and got a kiss and a hug from Audrey. We walked over to our neighbor's to tell them what was happening. And then my mom pulled into the driveway, we talked to her and then left for the hospital.
And it is late so I will finish this story later...
Monday, November 09, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Funny Audrey-ism...

This morning Audrey found a sucker that had been taken away from her last night. She was soo excited that she found her sucker... It was a tootsie pop. So I let her finish it up. Normally she gets bored with the suckers before she finishes any of them, so I end up having to throw them away. But after about an hour of her eating her sucker, she walks into my room and tells me, in such a happy voice,"Mommy! I eatin a cookie sucker!". So I turn around and look at her to see what she is actually doing. Because I don't know where she got a cookie from, and she is biting into the center of the tootsie pop. I start laughing... silly little girl.
Done with the haircut...
Audrey's first haircut
Monday, May 25, 2009
Graveyards filled with flowers and the livings memories
We went walking through a couple of Graveyards today. Visiting the graves of loved ones past. Audrey wanted to stop at all of the flowers, play with all the little windmill things, and take all of the little balloons she could see. She was loving it, being out side with Mommy, Daddy, Mama (Grandma), Bapa (Grandpa), Great Mama, and Great Bapa.
While we were visiting a few of the graves I was looking around to see the other names of others loved ones. At my feet I saw a sight that I haven't seen since visiting graveyards when I was younger and with my parents searching for lost relatives gravestones. We went to many a graveyard when I was younger, and many of them were very old and had gravestones that were cracking and that were hard to read and so forth.
This little gravestone that I saw today made me pause and contemplate a few things. It was just a little square, a simple marker. With the name Daniel, I believe. This poor little marker had been shattered and had grass growing up amid the cracks. The name hadn't been chiseled in like most markers. It had been put on there with stickers. Little black stickers. And most of them had come off of the stone. I couldn't make out the last name and the only part of the date on the stone that we could see was 1940 something...
Looking at this little stone made me a little sad, surrounded by all these beautiful flowers on other peoples graves, and here no one was around to take care of this little stone. So I showed it to Stu, who tried to removes some of the grass that was growing up through the stone, which only caused the pieces of the stone to move a bit, and we sat and gave a silent moment to this one person.
I don't know if they care that no one comes to visit them. Or that their stone is in such disrepair. But we thought of you today Daniel, and I hope you are doing well.
While we were visiting a few of the graves I was looking around to see the other names of others loved ones. At my feet I saw a sight that I haven't seen since visiting graveyards when I was younger and with my parents searching for lost relatives gravestones. We went to many a graveyard when I was younger, and many of them were very old and had gravestones that were cracking and that were hard to read and so forth.
This little gravestone that I saw today made me pause and contemplate a few things. It was just a little square, a simple marker. With the name Daniel, I believe. This poor little marker had been shattered and had grass growing up amid the cracks. The name hadn't been chiseled in like most markers. It had been put on there with stickers. Little black stickers. And most of them had come off of the stone. I couldn't make out the last name and the only part of the date on the stone that we could see was 1940 something...
Looking at this little stone made me a little sad, surrounded by all these beautiful flowers on other peoples graves, and here no one was around to take care of this little stone. So I showed it to Stu, who tried to removes some of the grass that was growing up through the stone, which only caused the pieces of the stone to move a bit, and we sat and gave a silent moment to this one person.
I don't know if they care that no one comes to visit them. Or that their stone is in such disrepair. But we thought of you today Daniel, and I hope you are doing well.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Big steps
Audrey has made a big step in the reasoning department.
She has realized that if she does what we want, as in bargaining, she will get what she wants...
While I used to be able to count on her not doing what I say or at least I could get her to, say, take another bite of food before I gave her what she wanted, mostly because she didn't realize what I was doing. Now I need to follow through with my end of the bargain on the first time she does it.
Last night she wanted spaghetti after she had eaten almost all of her corndog. But we wanted her to finish up all of her corndog. So we let her eat one bite of spaghetti after she ate one bite of corndog. After the corndog was all done we wanted her to eat some more strawberrys, which is one of her favorite fruits right now, so we did the same with the strawberrys until she no longer wanted to eat. It was a very successful meal.
This morning before breakfast she wanted to watch her new favorite show, DragonTales. We told her that she needed to eat breakfast before watching DragonTales. She put up a tiny bit of fuss but then got into her chair and wanted "Circle Yoyos" (translated into Apple Jacks even though she knows they are called Apple Jacks, she likes to call cereal "yoyos") When she only had a little bit left she decided she was done and wanted to watch Dragons. So I said that she needed to have one more bite. She then proceeded to grab her spoon away from me and shove one more bite in her mouth. So I had to let her be done and go watch Dragons...
Normally it would be you need to eat or go to bed. So I could almost always just put her back to bed when she didn't eat her food, thus getting myself a little more time to sleep in the morning. But now she has this all figured out. She is a bit too smart at times, I think.
On a side note...
Last night I got a sliver in my foot and Stu had to take it out. Audrey watched and said that Daddy was "cutting Mommy" and I told her, "No, Daddy isn't cutting mommy he is fixing her booboo." So Audrey wanted daddy to fix her booboo.
This morning however daddy found a splinter in Audrey's hand, while he was going out the door to work. So I had to take care of it. We told her it was like mommy's booboo last night. And she saw my bandaid and then wanted one just like it on her foot. But while daddy was looking at her sliver she said, "A ladybug bite her ouchie". She kept repeating this while I went to get the tweezers and pulled out the sliver, which wasn't in too deep and wasn't too big. Then she proceeded to show me all the little booboos on her hands (i.e. hang nails and the like) calling them all lady bug bites.
It has been an interesting morning so far.
She has realized that if she does what we want, as in bargaining, she will get what she wants...
While I used to be able to count on her not doing what I say or at least I could get her to, say, take another bite of food before I gave her what she wanted, mostly because she didn't realize what I was doing. Now I need to follow through with my end of the bargain on the first time she does it.
Last night she wanted spaghetti after she had eaten almost all of her corndog. But we wanted her to finish up all of her corndog. So we let her eat one bite of spaghetti after she ate one bite of corndog. After the corndog was all done we wanted her to eat some more strawberrys, which is one of her favorite fruits right now, so we did the same with the strawberrys until she no longer wanted to eat. It was a very successful meal.
This morning before breakfast she wanted to watch her new favorite show, DragonTales. We told her that she needed to eat breakfast before watching DragonTales. She put up a tiny bit of fuss but then got into her chair and wanted "Circle Yoyos" (translated into Apple Jacks even though she knows they are called Apple Jacks, she likes to call cereal "yoyos") When she only had a little bit left she decided she was done and wanted to watch Dragons. So I said that she needed to have one more bite. She then proceeded to grab her spoon away from me and shove one more bite in her mouth. So I had to let her be done and go watch Dragons...
Normally it would be you need to eat or go to bed. So I could almost always just put her back to bed when she didn't eat her food, thus getting myself a little more time to sleep in the morning. But now she has this all figured out. She is a bit too smart at times, I think.
On a side note...
Last night I got a sliver in my foot and Stu had to take it out. Audrey watched and said that Daddy was "cutting Mommy" and I told her, "No, Daddy isn't cutting mommy he is fixing her booboo." So Audrey wanted daddy to fix her booboo.
This morning however daddy found a splinter in Audrey's hand, while he was going out the door to work. So I had to take care of it. We told her it was like mommy's booboo last night. And she saw my bandaid and then wanted one just like it on her foot. But while daddy was looking at her sliver she said, "A ladybug bite her ouchie". She kept repeating this while I went to get the tweezers and pulled out the sliver, which wasn't in too deep and wasn't too big. Then she proceeded to show me all the little booboos on her hands (i.e. hang nails and the like) calling them all lady bug bites.
It has been an interesting morning so far.
Monday, May 11, 2009
7 years and a few other things running around my mind
So yesterday was our 7 year anniversary. It seems unreal to me that it has been 7 years already. While the day we got married also seems so long ago. But sooo much has happened in that 7 years that has brought us closer and closer together. There have been things that may have sent other people running away. But things are so good between the two of us now because of or in spite of those hard times.
A few things that have happened to us in the last 7 years.
Stu was diagnosed with UC and PSC. UC is a problem that he has with his large intestine. And he fought with those problems for a good 2-ish years. And then 4 years ago he had his large intestine removed. It was a tough time, and I was scared about that surgery and how everything would turn out. Through all that time Stu continued to go to school. He got off a bunch of drugs that he had been on to help with the UC and then Graduated.
He got a great job, we moved into our own place, and then I got pregnant with our 1st little angel. Shortly after we had her we bought a house and got settled in there. We have been in the house now for almost 2 years. We felt that the timing was good and decided to try for another little babe.
Now, 6 and 1/2 years ago Stu was told that in 10-15 years from then he would need a Liver transplant. We both knew that was a big deal. But, I didn't realize how big of a deal it would come to be.
We found out I was pregnant in November of last year. In December we were told by Stu's GI doc that he needed to get in contact with the Liver Transplant team. Who then did quite a few tests and went over a lot of information with us, and then decided that Stu was a good candidate for a transplant.
About 3 weeks ago Stu was placed on the transplant waiting list for a new liver. When you are put on the transplant list, you and your spouse and other support people need to go to a class to learn what is going to happen. They let you know what the symptoms of a failing liver are, and so on. But, they don't really tell you how to handle these situations. As well as some other things.
Stu doesn't seem all that sick to me. But maybe it is just that I am around him all the time. Or maybe I just try not to think of him as sick. Or something like that. But at about the same time he was put on the list I started to not sleep well at night, and I get these headaches that just linger and linger. I worry about the baby. I worry about Stu.
We went to a support group for transplants that the team has set up. Pre and Post transplant people and there family are welcome. Stu and I were by far the youngest couple there. It was nice to know that these people will be there to talk to about things as they come up. One other spouse came. Her husband has PSC as well, and she offered to be there for me to talk to if I ever needed it. It really helped to know that there are places to go to talk about this stuff. She also offered some advice on were to go to get some good info on PSC. Apparently a lot of the sites on the internet about it are out of date.
Anyway, going to this meeting made me think about it more again. I hope it ends out being a good thing and not just another place I go that makes me have anxiety about all of this again.
Sorry for the ramblings it is late and I should go. Good night.
A few things that have happened to us in the last 7 years.
Stu was diagnosed with UC and PSC. UC is a problem that he has with his large intestine. And he fought with those problems for a good 2-ish years. And then 4 years ago he had his large intestine removed. It was a tough time, and I was scared about that surgery and how everything would turn out. Through all that time Stu continued to go to school. He got off a bunch of drugs that he had been on to help with the UC and then Graduated.
He got a great job, we moved into our own place, and then I got pregnant with our 1st little angel. Shortly after we had her we bought a house and got settled in there. We have been in the house now for almost 2 years. We felt that the timing was good and decided to try for another little babe.
Now, 6 and 1/2 years ago Stu was told that in 10-15 years from then he would need a Liver transplant. We both knew that was a big deal. But, I didn't realize how big of a deal it would come to be.
We found out I was pregnant in November of last year. In December we were told by Stu's GI doc that he needed to get in contact with the Liver Transplant team. Who then did quite a few tests and went over a lot of information with us, and then decided that Stu was a good candidate for a transplant.
About 3 weeks ago Stu was placed on the transplant waiting list for a new liver. When you are put on the transplant list, you and your spouse and other support people need to go to a class to learn what is going to happen. They let you know what the symptoms of a failing liver are, and so on. But, they don't really tell you how to handle these situations. As well as some other things.
Stu doesn't seem all that sick to me. But maybe it is just that I am around him all the time. Or maybe I just try not to think of him as sick. Or something like that. But at about the same time he was put on the list I started to not sleep well at night, and I get these headaches that just linger and linger. I worry about the baby. I worry about Stu.
We went to a support group for transplants that the team has set up. Pre and Post transplant people and there family are welcome. Stu and I were by far the youngest couple there. It was nice to know that these people will be there to talk to about things as they come up. One other spouse came. Her husband has PSC as well, and she offered to be there for me to talk to if I ever needed it. It really helped to know that there are places to go to talk about this stuff. She also offered some advice on were to go to get some good info on PSC. Apparently a lot of the sites on the internet about it are out of date.
Anyway, going to this meeting made me think about it more again. I hope it ends out being a good thing and not just another place I go that makes me have anxiety about all of this again.
Sorry for the ramblings it is late and I should go. Good night.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Spring time at the Wilde's

This is Audrey waking up on Easter morning. She was pretty excited for something. Though she didn't quite understand what yet. Until she found her Easter basket and all the eggs and candy. Now she understands... about finding candy on Easter. :D
We will work on the real meaning when she is a bit older.

Audrey after we got ready for church on Easter. She loves to dance and she loves to wear her "tu- tu's".

This final pic is me of course. I am 29 weeks along here.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Baby Update!
A few weeks ago we had the ultrasound... And this little child is not a shy one, apparently. With-in about 2 seconds the technician asked if we wanted to know what the baby was. And of course we said yes! We are having another little Girl! And so far as he could tell she looked healthy and, like her sister, is very active.
And this very active little girl has made mommy's uterus agitated. So last night I went into the doc's to see if I had a uti.... but no... tested neg. So they told me to go to Labor and Delivery to get checked to see if I was in preterm labor. Stu and I spent about 5 hours sitting there waiting for test results to come back... and just being monitored for contractions. I did have some that they could see... but the last one I had was about 2 hours before I left. So they gave me a shot of some medicine to relax my muscles and watched me for another hour. Then they sent us home.
All that while I could have nothing but clear liquids. And I hadn't eaten since 2. Not good for someone with Gestational Diabetes. Anyways... I ended up not being in Labor, thank heavens. But now I have to take things a lot easier. Can't pick up the Audrey babe, can't go on strenuous walks, etc. Also I need to rest and lay down if I feel contractions. Fun, huh? Oh well, at least I am not on bed rest yet. :D
And this very active little girl has made mommy's uterus agitated. So last night I went into the doc's to see if I had a uti.... but no... tested neg. So they told me to go to Labor and Delivery to get checked to see if I was in preterm labor. Stu and I spent about 5 hours sitting there waiting for test results to come back... and just being monitored for contractions. I did have some that they could see... but the last one I had was about 2 hours before I left. So they gave me a shot of some medicine to relax my muscles and watched me for another hour. Then they sent us home.
All that while I could have nothing but clear liquids. And I hadn't eaten since 2. Not good for someone with Gestational Diabetes. Anyways... I ended up not being in Labor, thank heavens. But now I have to take things a lot easier. Can't pick up the Audrey babe, can't go on strenuous walks, etc. Also I need to rest and lay down if I feel contractions. Fun, huh? Oh well, at least I am not on bed rest yet. :D
Friday, March 06, 2009
My Little girl
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
New Puppy and other news...

So yeah we got a new puppy... We picked her up last friday... Her mom was Blue Healer Black Lab mix, and they don't know what the dad was. I suppose it was whatever dog got to her the fastest. But anyway they were a bunch of cute little puppies. And we took one home. We named her Impending Doom, or Penny for short. She is a frisky little girl but she seems to learn pretty fast already.
On the Pregnancy side of things. I FINALLY made it to the second trimester. It seemed like it took forever. But I am 14 weeks along now. I have felt the baby move, that little fluttering in my stomach. I am feeling pretty good. But I think having a puppy to watch after and an almost 2 year old is taking atoll on me... I am still pretty darn tired. but the nausea is pretty much gone now. Thank Heavens.
And my sinus infection is almost all the way gone now. Even the teeth that were hurting are only hurting a little now. Thanx for letting me vent last time around...
Friday, January 09, 2009
Sinus Infections
Wowzers..... I never new that my head could hurt this bad.... I can't sleep and nothing I can take is able to really take the pain away.... I have been taking the antibiotics for 2 days and they haven't seemed to help at all... my teeth and the roof of my mouth are killing me.... my cheekbone.... ooooohhhh my cheekbone.... my head... my teeth... everything.... it just wants to keep me awake... tylenol doesn't help even the prescription tylenol doesn't help.... cloves help for a sec but then the pain is back... heat doesn't help.... nothing is working... what can I do?????
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Our future comedian
So tonight Audrey said her first knock knock joke.... with a little help from daddy. Anyway here is how it went:
Audrey: Knock Knock
Stu: Who's there?
Audrey: Apple
Stu: Apple who?
Audrey: Where???
She has been always calling out "saur!" (dinosaur) while we drive in the car... and when we ask where she responds with "Where!?"
She is a silly girl...
Audrey: Knock Knock
Stu: Who's there?
Audrey: Apple
Stu: Apple who?
Audrey: Where???
She has been always calling out "saur!" (dinosaur) while we drive in the car... and when we ask where she responds with "Where!?"
She is a silly girl...
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